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                                      St John's Wood

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Our Nursery School



Children may enter our nursery programme as soon as they turn two years of age, we operate rolling admissions. This is to ensure the children are in their correct school age group and are developmentally ready to get the most out of our 2 or 3 year programme. We are not registered for children under two years of age.




During the first year, the children attend five mornings a week, from 9am to 12.15pm during term time, once your child has settled there is the option for a lunch extension from 12.15 to 1.30pm. The programme is split into two six month age groups in two separate classes. We focus on gentle separation, parent partnership and the EYFS PRIME development areas, Personal, Social and Emotional development, Physical development and Communication and Language. Parents really appreciate our early years expertise, high levels of care and nurturing and our open-door policy. Once your child is settled the current maximum hours for the first year are 9am to 1.30pm. 




In the second year of the programme, we offer an extended programme until 2:30pm four afternoons a week. The afternoon activities include PE and DANCE, FOREST SCHOOL, ITALIAN and COOKING. During this year, we increase the children's independence and confidence in preparation for the next stage. All the formal skills required are taught in an interactive and meaningful way so your child remains engaged and motivated. the second year class starts at 9am and finishes at 12.15pm (if mornings only are required) or 2.30pm for extended days Mon- Thurs, there is also an option to extend the afternoon to 3pm Mon -Thurs. On Fridays the class starts at 9am and finishes at 12.15pm for everyone. The current maximum hours for the second year are 9am to 3pm.




Parents who wish their child to stay for a third year, have the benefit of our excellent small Reception class. In our Reception class, your child will receive a high level of attention to develop their academic skills and to   prepare them individually for the school they will enter. The head teacher has strong links with the feeder schools, both in London and internationally. She supports parents through the entire application process which begins as soon as your child enters LJS. The Reception class hours are 9am to 2.45pm Mon - Thurs and 9am - 12.15pm Friday.



The Nursery School enjoys the exceptional facilities of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, which includes five bright and exciting classrooms.


We have a wonderful, enclosed space for outdoor learning  and play which is fitted with a safety surface, there is a garden area, slide, bicycles, playhouse, sand pit, chalk boards and play equipment. The children in Class 2 and Reception have access to their own terrace and the main playground during the morning.


Our playground awnings allow the children to learn and play in all weathers. We have the use of two halls in the building; one of which has a wooden dance floor and access to a projection screen and music. Reception have access to a whiteboard and computer upstairs.


There is full disability access to all areas of the building, including ramps, a disabled toilet and a lift.

two children looking out of playhouse

                                                     The LJS Nursery School, 28 St John's Wood Road, London NW8 7HA

                                    The Liberal Jewish Synagogue is a company limited by guarantee (Company No. 9113305)

                                                     and a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity No. 1159292)


Website design by Purple Murple

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